2025 Summer Associate

Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP

Job Description: Our approach to the summer experience at Nutter is to provide our summer associates with substantive client work under supervision of senior attorneys for a complete and accurate picture of our practice and culture. Each summer associate receives two formal reviews, one at mid-summer and the other at the end of the program. These reviews are intended to provide the summer associate with guidance and are based upon written evaluations by supervising attorneys. Throughout the summer, we expect attorneys to provide individual, ongoing, informal feedback to summer associates, and encourage summer associates to solicit feedback directly from attorneys. Each summer associate is assigned mentors, from each department to which he or she is assigned. By the end of the program, our goal is for summer associates to have a thorough understanding of our client-base and the work environment they will encounter as full-time associates. Job Requirements:
Summer Associate
Employer Type
Law Firm