Directing Attorney, Civil Rights Justice Initiative

Legal Services NYC

New York-New York City
<div id="jobDescriptionText" class="jobsearch-JobComponent-description css-16y4thd eu4oa1w0"><div> LSNYC seeks a Directing Attorney to develop, manage and supervise our Civil Rights Justice Initiative, which addresses systemic inequality by challenging unlawful discriminatory policies and practices based on race, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, and other protected categories through litigation and advocacy. <p>About Us:<br> <br> Legal Services NYC fights poverty and seeks racial, social, and economic justice for low-income New Yorkers. For more than 50 years, we have challenged the systemic injustices that trap people in poverty and provided legal services that help our clients meet basic needs for housing, income, economic security, family and immigration stability, education, and health care. LSNYC is the largest civil legal services provider in the country; our staff of more than 650 people in neighborhood-based offices and outreach sites across all five boroughs helps more than 100,000 New Yorkers annually. We partner with scores of community-based and client-run organizations, elected officials, public agencies, pro bono lawyers, and the courts to maximize our effectiveness. Our work fights discrimination and helps to achieve equity for low-income New Yorkers.</p> <p> The Opportunity:</p> <p> LSNYC seeks a Directing Attorney to develop, manage and supervise our Civil Rights Justice Initiative, which addresses systemic inequality by challenging unlawful discriminatory policies and practices based on race, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, and other protected categories through litigation and advocacy. LSNYC’s client base and our collaborations with community partners inform the work of the Initiative, allowing us to address systemic inequality where there are the most urgent needs. The Director is responsible for spearheading civil rights litigation and advocacy, and providing support, guidance, and supervision to advocates in our offices citywide who are engaging in civil rights work. The Director will also oversee LSNYC’s Language Access Project. The Language Access Project seeks to both improve the accessibility of Legal Services NYC’s own services and to challenge discriminatory practices that prevent LEP clients from obtaining the government benefits and services to which they are entitled.</p> <p> Qualifications:</p> <p> We seek a candidate with the following:</p> <ul> <li>Passion for social justice and LSNYC’s mission</li> <li>JD and licensed to practice law in New York</li> <li>6+ years of practice as a litigator, including substantial trial and appellate experience in federal and state courts, especially in complex litigation</li> <li>Awareness of, and desire to engage in, the difficult and transformative work of challenging systems of oppression, institutional and structural racism, and implicit bias</li> <li>Substantive knowledge of civil rights law as well as the ability to think creatively and to use nonlitigation strategies to promote objectives</li> <li>Demonstrated ability and strong desire to develop, lead and cultivate litigation teams • Exceptional analytical, writing, and speaking skills</li> <li>Demonstrated skills in legal analysis, research, and strategic thinking</li> <li>Track record of active support for diversity, equity and inclusion, and a personal approach that values the individual and respects differences of race, ethnicity, age, gender identity, and expression, sexual orientation, religion, ability, and socio-economic circumstance</li> <li>Strong interpersonal skills</li> </ul> <p>Health Recommendation<br> <br> All employees are strongly encouraged to continue to receive and maintain up-to-date Covid-19 vaccinations unless they are unable to for medical or religious reasons.</p> <p> How to Apply:</p> <p> Interested applicants should e-mail a cover letter and resume to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Please type on the Subject line: <b>Directing Attorney – Civil Rights Justice Initiative.</b></p> <p> LSNYC is an equal opportunity employer. People of color; women; people with disabilities; people over age 40; and gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people are welcome and encouraged to apply.</p> <p> Salary Range: $122,517 - $183,716</p> </div></div>
Practice Areas
Civil Rights
6+ years
Employer Type